Proceedings of previous conferences on "Magnetic Stars"
In Special Astrophysical Observatory
Proceedings of conferences for the years 1987-2000 have been presented on the site in Portable Document Format. For some articles only abstracts are available, full text can be provided upon request. All conference proceedings published in English.
- [+] 1987. 12-17 October (Magnetic Stars)
Cover Introduction Contents
- Glagolevskij Yu.V., Bychkov V.D., El'kin V.G. et al.
Instrumentation for measurement of stellar magnetic field swith the 6-m telescope. [Full text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., El'kin V.G., Romanyuk I.I., Shtol V.G.
First measurements of 4 Stokes parameters with the 6-m telescope. [Full text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., El'kin V.G., Romanyuk I.I., Piskunov N.E.
The estimation of 53 Cam magnetic field value by means of spectral line width analysis. [Full text] - Lebedev V.S.
The bank of observational data for chemically peculiar stars. [Abstract]
- Ryabchikova T.A., Davydova E.S., Kolev D.Z.
A surface magnetic field study of Ap star 78 Virginis. [Full text] - Skulskij M.Yu.
Modern state of magnetic field investigation in β Lyrae. [Abstract] - Plachinda S.I.
The measurements of the magnetic field of the star β CrB in 4234.33 A Cr I line. [Abstract] - Mikulasek Z.
A simple model of CQ UMa. [Abstract] - Gerth E.
Magnetic fields of superqiants. [Abstract] - Iliev I.Kh., Barzova I.S., Glagolevskij Yu.V. et al.
Magnetic field measurements of the λ Bootis type stars: HD 210418. [Abstract] - Hubrig S.
The magnetic field of ε UMa. [Abstract]
- Iliev I.Kh., Barzova I.S.
The awful CP2 star HD 51418. [Full text] - Barzova I.S., Iliev I.Kh.
Spectrum variations of the CP2 star HD 5797 = V 551 Cas. [Full text] - Zverko J., Ziznovsky J., Zboril M. et al.
Search for rapid variability in spectrum of α Andromedae. [Abstract] - Hric L.
Chemically peculiar binary ω Ursa Majoris with elliptical orbit. [Abstract] - Hric L.
The new helium-weak star HR 446. [Abstract] - Dobrichev V.M., Rajkova D.V., Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E.
Analysis of the spectrum of Hg-Mn star HR 4072. [Abstract] - Kopylov I.M.
Quantitative spectral peculiarity indexes of CP stars. [Abstract] - Kopylov I.M.
Iron and titanium abundance in the atmospheres of chemically peculiar stars. [Abstract] - Savanov I.S.
The abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in the atmospheres of metallic-line stars. [Full text] - Scholz G.
Remarks on spectroscopic and speckle interferometric system parameters of the binary 53 Camelopardalis. [Full text]
- Burnashev V.I., Malanushenko V.P., Polosukhina N.S.
The narrow-band photometry of the magnetic Ap star γ Equ. [Abstract] - Lyubimkov L.S., Polosukhina N.S.
The investigation of the atmosphere of the mercury-manganese star α And. [Abstract] - Jusa K., Chochol D., Mayer P.
Light time effect in AR Aur. [Abstract] - Hempelmann A.
On the peculiar light curve of HD 56022. [Abstract] - Schoneich N., Zelvanova E. I., Musielok B.
The light variability of the magnetic Ap star 52 Herculis (HD 152107). [Full text] - Mkrtichian D.E.
Detection of non-radial pulsations of stars with an inhomogeneous surface distribution of chemical elements. [Full text]
Problems of magnetic field origin and evolution in chemically peculiar stars. [Full text] - Dolginov A.Z.
Possible nonequilibrium structures on magnetic stars. [Full text] - Dudorov A.E.
Fossil magnetic field of chemically peculiar stars. [Full text] - Fabrika S.N., Bychkov V.D.
CP stars interaction with interstellar gas. [Full text] - Dudorov A.E., Tutukov A.V.
On the magnetic field origin of Ap stars. [Full text] - Dolginov A.Z., Klyachkin A.V.
Influence of the chemical composition on the convection, meridional circulation and differential stellar rotation. [Abstract] - Silant'ev N.A.
Diffusion and correlation of magnetic field in a turbulent medium. [Abstract] - Dolginov A.Z., Silant'ev N.A.
Correlations of scalar field in the stochastic medium. [Abstract] - Klyachkin N.I.
The influence of the surface curvature on the convection threshold in stars. [Abstract]
- Glagolevskij Yu.V., Bychkov V.D., El'kin V.G. et al.
- [+] 1991. 30 September-5 October (Stellar Magnetism)
Cover Introduction Contents List of participants
- Silant'ev N.A.
The calculation of the turbulent diffusivities of magnetic fields and particles using the non-linear equations for the Green function. [Abstract] - Pogodin. M.A.
Polarization spectrum of Be stars with allowance for Faraday rotation of polarization plane for dipole magnetic fields. - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Topilskaya G.P., Kartashova T.A.
On dependence of chemical elements abundance in the atmospheres of He-rich stars upon age. [Abstract]
- North P., Glagolevskij Yu.V., Romanyuk I.I., El'kin V.G.
Searh for magnetic field in Bidelman's F Sr λ4077 stars. [Full text] - Коруlova F.G., Romanyuk I.I.
The extremely large complex magnetic field of the He-rich star HD37776. [Full text] - Romanyuk I.I., El'kin V.G., Shtol' V.G.
Observation of four Stokes parameters in the continuum of He-rich star HD 37776. [Full text] - Gerth E., Bychkov V.D., Glagolevskij Yu.V., Romanyuk I.I.
Magnetic field and radial velocity observations of the CP star 52 Her from SAO Nizhnij Arkhyz - Russia and BNO Rozhen - Bulgaria. - El'kin V.G
A search for magnetic field in blue field horizontal branch stars. - El'kin V.G.
The effective magnetic field of HD 215441. [Full text]
- North P.
Photometric periods of some old Si stars. [Full text] - Romanyuk I.I., Topilskaja G.P., Mikhnov O.A.
Investigation of distribution of chemical element abundance with depth in the atmosphere of α2 CVn. [Full text] - Khokhlova V.L., Topilskaja G.P.
Study of vertical stratification of Cr abundance in the atmosphere of CP star α2 CVn. [Full text] - Piskunov N.E.
SYNTH - a code for rapid spectral synthesis. [Full text] - Gvozd' Yu.A., Topilskaja G.P.
Determination of the effective temperatures of He-weak and He-rich stars using method of criterions of spectral classification. [Abstract] - Zakharova L.A.
Abundance analysis of two Hg-Mn stars: HD 178065 and HD 182308 with noble-gases anomalies. - Коlev D., Koleva V.
Spectroscopic study of the giant Am star HD 157740. [Full text] - Skulskij M.Yu.
Towards understanding of the β Lyr nature: magnetic field and investigation of Hα and HeI λ7065 emission line dynamics. [Abstract] - Zboril. M.
Microturbulence depth-dependence in ο Peg. [Abstract] - Lyubimkov L.S., Polosukhina N.S., Rostopchin S.I.
Chemical composition of the components of the lithium binary star ι Peg. - Iliev I.Kh., Barzova I.S., Peeva P.S.>
A spectroscopic study of HD 5797 - progress report. [Full text]
- Shakhovskoj N.M., Kolesnikov S.V., Andronov I.L.
AM Herculis at the low state: the circular polarization disappeared. [Abstract] - Andronov I.L.
On the orbital eccentricity changes in magnetic close binary systems. [Full text] - Andronov I.L., Kolesnikov S.V., Pavlenko E.P., Shakhovskoj N.M.
Photometric observations of the magnetic cataclysmic variable star BY Cam = H0538+608. - Andronov I.L., Pavlenko E.P., Seregina T.M. et al.
Photometric study of MR Serpentis: extreme light curve variations of the magnetic cataclysmic binary. [Abstract] - Kozhevnikov V.P.
Observations of the rapid quasi-periodic oscillations in AM Herculis. [Abstract] - Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Somov N.N., Somova T.A.
AM Her in the low state (September 1990). [Abstract] - Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Mouchet M., Somov N.N., Somova T.A.
Spectral and photometric study of the polar BY Cam - H0538+608 in 1990-1991.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E.
Nasmyth echelle spectrometers of the 6m telescope. [Full text] - Shtol' V.G., Polyakov V.I., Konojko A.N., Vikul'ev N.A.
Circular polarization analyzer of hydrogen-line magnetometer of the 6 m telescope. [Full text] - Shtol' V.G.
Consideration of some systematic errors in observations with the hydrogen-line magnetometer of the 6m telescope. [Abstract]
- Vojkhanskaya N.F.
Can magnetic CP stars be ancestors of magnetic white dwarfs? [Abstract] - Hubrig S.
The magnetic field of θ Aur: Preliminary results. [Full text] - Skulskij M.Yu., Najdenov I.D., Romanyuk I.I., Bychkov V.D.
First observations of β Lyr in Fe II λ4233 line made with a magnetometer with the Fabry-Perot interferometer. - Gerth E., Bychkov V.D., Glagolevskij Yu.V., Romanyuk I.I.
Evidence of a magnetic field in the B9p star ET And and search for periods. - Bychkov V.D., El'kin V.G., Shtol' V.G.
Investigation of 52 Her magnetic field variability. [Full text] - Skulskij M.Yu., Plachinda S.N., Mal'kov Yu.F.
On the CCD-study of the red doublet of ionized silicon in the spectrum of β Lyr: radial velocities and magnetic field. [Abstract] - Ziznovsky J., Zverko J., Zboril M., Budaj J.
A photometric and spectroscopic glance at the CP star HR 1643. - Ziznovsky J.
New period determination for V 392 Car. - Zverko J., Ziznovsky J., Zboril M.
Elemental abundance analysis of CP stars 21 CVn and 53 Aur. I. Coadding spectrograms and Teff, log g determinations. [Abstract] - Budaj J., Zboril M., Zverko J.
Radiative accelerations on Ga and Al ions in the atmosphere of B type star. [Abstract] - Zboril M., Budaj J.
Si II autoionization lines and stratified atmosphere in Bp type star. [Abstract] - Fenina Z.N., Zgonyajko N.S.
On the physical-chemical characteristics of the magnetic variable star β CrB. - Zaikova L.P., Udovichenko S.N., Romanov Yu.S.
The rotational velocities of pulsating stars: SW And. [Abstract] - Rzaev A.Kh., Chentsov E.L.
High dispersion spectroscopy of white supergiants HD 21389 and HD 21291. [Abstract] - Polosukhina N.S., Hanni L.
On lithium λ6708 line displacement in the spectrum of magnetic star β CrB. - Mkrtichian D.E.
Model calculations of periodic spatial filters and line profile variations for pulsating CP2 stars. - Shtol' V.G., Volkova G.V., Karitnikov V.G.
Measurements of magnetic fields of binaries with composite spectra using the hydrogen-line magnetometer. Determination of V448 Cyg magnetic field in the main minimum.
- Silant'ev N.A.
- [+] 1996. 13-18 May (Stellar Magnetic Fields)
Cover Contents Preface List of participants
- Romanyuk I.I.
The Zeeman effect in stellar spectra. [Full text] - Stepien K.
First two decades of the stellar magnetism — a personal view. [Full text]
- Leroy J-L.
Modeling Ap stars with the help of linear polarimetry. [Full text] - Gnedin Yu.N., Natsvlishvili T.M.
Magnetic fields in close binary systems. [Full text] - Wade G.A.
Magnetic models for A and В stars: some recent results. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Hill G.M., Manset N., Bastian P.
Are we justified in ignoring the effects of weak magnetic fields when Doppler imaging Ap stars? [Abstract] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu.V., Scholz G.
Integral representation of the surface structure of the stellar magnetic field. [Full text] - Alekseev I.Yu., Gershberg R.E.
The spottedness of red dwarf stars. [Abstract] - Glagolevskij Yu.V.
On the evolution of chemical abundance of CP stars with age. [Full text] - Beskrovnaya N.G., Pogodin M.A.
Theoretical traces of the linear polarization parameters for a star with a rotating magnetized jet. [Abstract] - Pogodin M.A.
Examples of calculating procedure for the "edge-on" oriented envelope.
- Romanyuk I.I., Elkin V.G., Wade G.A., Landstreet J.D.
The very strong and complex magnetic field of the He-strong star HD 37776. [Full text] - Elkin V.G., Wade G.A.
The longitudinal magnetic field of the Ap star HD 47103. [Full text] - Bychkov V.D., Kostynchuk L.Yu., Shtol' V.G.
Magnetic field variability of HD 96707. [Full text] - Ryabchikova T.A., Adelman S.J., Weiss W.W., Kuschnig R.
On the magnetic field of roAP star γ Equulei. [Full text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Chountonov G.A.
Search for magnetic stars among young Herbig Ae/Be stars. [Abstract] - Elkin V.G.
Magnetic fields of hot subdwarfs. [Abstract] - Bychkov V.D., Monin D.N., Fabrika S.N., Valyavin G.G.
A magnetic field function of main sequence stars. [Abstract] - Valyavin G.G., Monin D.N., Burlakova T.A. et al.
Magnetic observations of the white dwarfs with the BTA Main Stellar Spectrograph. [Abstract] - Fabrika S.N., Valyavin G.G.
White dwarfs magnetic field function. [Abstract] - Valyavin G.G., Fabrika S.N.
Temperature dependence of white dwarfs magnetic fields. [Abstract] - Somov N.N.
Special algorithm for investigations of narrow-band spectral oscillations. [Abstract] - Somov N.N., Somova T.A., Najdenov I.D.
Detection of monochromatic oscillations in optical spectrum of the intermediate polar RE 0751+14. [Abstract]
- Leushin V.V., Topilskaya G.P., Musaev F.A.
Physical conditions and nature of chemical anomalies in the atmosphere of Sirius A. [Abstract] - Topilskaya G.P.
Abundance of helium isotopes in CP stars. [Abstract] - Romanyuk I.I., Topilskaya G.P.
On possible stratification of chemical elements with depth in the atmospheres of CP stars. [Full text] - Budaj J., Elkin V.G., Romanyuk I.I. et al.
Statistical analysis of the influence of binarity on the Ap phenomenon. Progress report. [Full text] - Mkrtichian D.E., Samus N.N., Gorynya N.A.
The radial velocities of the uncommon SrCrEu magnetic star 49 Camelopardalis. [Full text]
- Sokolov N.A.
Balmer jump variations of HD 215441 (Babcock's star). [Abstract] - Shtol' V.G., Bychkov V.D., Eric L., Elkin V.G.
ω UMa magnetic field measurements. [Full text] - Udovichenko S.N., Shtol' V.G., Valyavin G.G.
Magnetic measurements of δ Scuti-type stars. - Bychkov V.D., Shtol' V.G., Hubrig S.
Possible presence of a weak magnetic field in the HgMn star 33 Geminorum. [Abstract] - Bychkov V.D., Shtol' V.G.
New period for the magnetic star γ Equulei. [Abstract] - Chountonov G.A.
Mean magnetic field modulus of γ Equulei. - Bychkov V.D., Gerth E., Kroll R., Shtol' V.G.
Long-period magnetic variability of HD 9996. [Full text] - Shtol' V.G., Elkin V.G., Romanyuk I.I.
Magnetic field of the star ε UMa=HD 112185. [Full text] - Shtol' V.G., Valyavin G.G., Fabrika S.N. et al.
Magnetic field variations of the white dwarf PG 1658+441. [Abstract] - Fabrika S.N., Shtol' V.G., Valyavin G.G. et al.
Magnetic measurements of white dwarfs. [Abstract] - Hack M., Polosukhina N., North P. et al.
International project - lithium in magnetic stars. - Chountonov G.A., Glagolevskij Yu.V.
CCD detector on the Main Stellar Spectrograph. [Full text] - Chountonov G.A., Orlov V.G.
Back-and-forth spectropolarimetry: computer simulation. [Full text] - Chountonov G.A.
Fibre-optic spectropolarimeter for the 6 m telescope. [Full text] - Chountonov G.A.
Analyzer of polarization using the Mooney rhomb. - Bychkov V.D., Gnedin Yu.N.
Fast polarimeter for faint objects. [Abstract] - Shtol' V.G., Zinkovskij V., Vikul'ev N.A.
A deflector spectrophotometer on the basis of the BTA hydrogen-line magnetometer. - Stepien K.
- Romanyuk I.I.
- [+] 1999. 24-27 September (Magnetic Fields of Peculiar and Related Stars)
Cover Preface Contents List of participants
- Balega Yu.Yu.
Speech at the opening ceremony of the meeting "Magnetic Fields of Chemically Peculiar and Related Stars".
- Landstreet J.D.
Magnetic fields in main sequence stars and white dwarfs: challenges for the twenty-first century. [Full text] - Romanyuk I.I.
Magnetic chemically peculiar stars 1. Catalogue. [Full text] - Kudryavtsev D.O., Romanyuk I.I.
Magnetic chemically peculiar stars 2. Spatial distribution. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Romanyuk I.I., Elkin V.G. et al.
Magnetic field geometries of Ap and Bp stars using the 6 m telescope. [Full text] - Shorlin S.L.S., Landstreet J.D., Wade G.A., Donati J.-F.
Precise measurements of the longitudinal magnetic fields of chemically peculiar stars. [Full text] - Henrichs H.F., de Jong J.A., Donati J.-F. et al.
Detection of a weak magnetic field in the pulsating Be starβ Cephei. [Abstract] - Wade G.A., Donati J.-F.
θ1Ori С through the eyes of the MuSiCoS spectropolarimeter. [Full text] - Kudryavtsev D.O., Piskunov N.E., Romanyuk I.I. et al.
Spectral and polarimetric observations of the star HD 37022 θ1 Ori С. [Full text] - Balega Yu.Yu., Weigelt G., Preibish Th. et al.
Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the Orion Trapezium stars: detection of a close (33 mas) companion of θ1 Ori С. [Abstract] - Plachinda S.I., Tarasova T.N.
General magnetic field measurements on solar-like stars with different types of activity. [Abstract] - Panchuk V.E., Romanyuk I.I., Kudryavtsev D.O.
Zeeman spectroscopy on the echelle spectrometer NES of the 6m telescope. [Full text] - Kudryavtsev D.O.
Reduction of echelle and long slit Zeeman spectra in MIDAS. [Abstract] - Monin D.N., Fabrika S.N., Valyavin G.G., Barsukova E.A.
The first results in the magnetic survey of main sequence stars. [Abstract] - Chountonov G.A.
Search for magnetic field of β Lyrae. [Abstract]
- Piskunov N.E.
The new magnetic Doppler imaging code. [Full text] - Kochukhov O.P.
Magnetic Doppler Imaging: numerical experiments and application to α2 CVn. [Abstract] - Khokhlova V.L., Vasil'chenko D.V., Stepanov V.V., Romanyuk I.I.
Doppler-Zeeman mapping of the rapidly rotating magnetic CP star HD 37776. [Full text] - Vasil'chenko D.V., Stepanov V.V., Khokhlova V.L.
The inverse problem of Doppler-Zeeman imaging of magnetic CP stars: mathematical model and method of solution. [Full text] - Donati J.-F., Wade G.A., Landstreet J.D., Shorlin S.L.S.
Zeeman-Doppler imaging of active stars using the MuSiCoS spectropolarimeter. [Abstract] - Wade G.A.
Exploring the magnetic field structure of Ap stars using Stokes I, V, Q and U Zeeman signatures. [Full text] - Sandin C.
Observing magnetic fields, determination of a lower detection limit. [Abstract] - Glagolevskij Yu. V., Chountonov G.A.
Some comments on evolution of magnetic fields of CP stars. [Full text] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu. V.
Magnetic modeling. [Abstract] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu. V., Scholz G.
The magnetic model of 53 Cam. - Glagolevskij Yu. V., Gerth E.
Magnetic field model of the star HD 126515. - Bagnulo S., Monin D., Leone F., Stift M.J.
53 Camelopardalis: a magnetic model consistent with observations of Stokes I and V profiles. [Full text] - Bagnulo S., Landolfi M., Mathys G., M. Landi Degl'Innocenti
β Coronae Borealis: a combined interpretation of the magnetic quantities obtained through the moment technique, and of the observations of broadband linear polarisation. [Abstract] - Glagolevskij Yu. V., Elkin V.G., Chountonov G.A.
Investigation of depressions in the continuous spectra of CP stars. [Full text]
- Leushin V.V., Glagolevskij Yu.V., North P.
Helium abundance in the atmospheres of He-rich stars. [Abstract] - Ryabchikova T.A., Tsymbal V.V., Malanushenko V.P., Savanov I.S.
Surface abundance distribution and radial velocity pulsations in roAp star HD 24712. [Full text] - Sokolov N.A.
The ultraviolet variability of CU Virginis. [Full text] - Elkin V.G., Ziznovsky J., Zverko J.
Chemical composition in the components of the visual binary system BD + 40° 175: rare-earth elements. [Full text] - Piskunov N., Ryabchikova T.A., Weiss W.W.
The news about Vienna Atomic Line Data Base. [Abstract] - Bychkov V.D.
The programme of investigation into variability of magnetic Ap stars. [Abstract] - Khan S.A.
Drawing a continuum in the orders of echelle spectra that contain hydrogen lines. [Full text]
- Gnedin Yu.N., Natsvlishvili T.M., Bychkov V.D.
Magnetic stars as cosmic laboratories for particle physics. [Abstract] - Gershberg R.E.
Magnetic fields of medium and low-mass dwarf stars. [Abstract] - Vojkhanskaya N.F.
The precataclysmic binaries and magnetic fields of the cataclysmic variables. [Abstract] - Fabrika S.N., Valyavin G.G., Burlalcova Т.Е. et al.
Magnetic field measurements in white dwarfs. Magnetic field, rotation and spectrum of 40 Eri В. [Abstract] - Somov N.N., Somova T.A., Najdenov I.D.
Detection of monochromatic quasi-periodic oscillations in optical spectrum of the intermediate polar RX J0558.0+5353 (V405 Aur). [Abstract] - Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Mouchet M., Shakhovskoy N.M. et al.
Magnetic field and unstable accretion during the AM Herculis low states. [Abstract] - Somov N.N., Somova T.A., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Mouchet M.
Phase-resolved spectroscopy of the polar AN Ursa Majoris in intermediate brightness state. [Abstract] - Somov N.N., Somova T.A., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Mouchet M.
Time-resolved spectroscopy of the polar EU UMa (= RE1149+28) at the 6m telescope. [Abstract] - Tapia S.P., Impey CD., Gnedin Yu.N., Bychkov V.D.
Polarimetric variability of the polar AM Her at low state. [Abstract] - Tapia S.P., Impey CD., Gnedin Yu.N., Bychkov V.D.
Study of polarimetric variability of the magnetic cataclysmic variable BY Camelopardalis. [Abstract]
- Najdenov I.D.
Quantum optics techniques for magnetic field measurement. [Abstract] - Chountonov G.A., Murzin V.A., Ivashchenko N.G., Afanasieva I.V.
Back-and-forth spectropolarimetry. [Full text] - Chountonov G.A.
A low-resolution spectrometer (spectropolarimeter) with a transparent grating for the 1m telescope. [Full text] - Chountonov G.A., Perepelitsin E.I.
Slicers for the BTA Main Stellar Spectrograph. [Full text] - Bychkov V.D., Fabrika S.N., Monin D.N., Valyavin G.G.
The new circular polarization analyser for the Nasmyth-1 focus of the бm telescope. [Full text] - Monin D.N.
Zeeman echelle spectra obtained with CEGS spectrograph of SAO 1m telescope. The data reduction. [Abstract] - Bychkov V.D., Romanenko V.P., Bychkova L.V.
Linear instrumental polarization at the coude focus of the 1m telescope of SAO RAS. [Abstract] - Bychkov V.D., Romanenko V.P., Bychkova L.V.
Instrumental depolarization at the coude focus of the 1m telescope of SAO RAS. [Full text] - Romanenko V.P.
Updating of the two-channel polarimeter of the lm telescope of SAO RAS. [Full text]
- Balega Yu.Yu.
- [+] 2003. 27-31 August (Magnetic Stars)
Cover Contents List of participants
- Landstreet J.D.
Future challenges and opportunities for studies of stellar magnetism. [Full text] - Stępień K.
Evolution of physical parameters of magnetic BpAp stars. [Full text] - Romanyuk I.I.
Magnetic field of CP stars. Observational aspects. [Full text] - Kochukhov O.
Modelling Stokes parameter spectra of CP stars. [Full text] - Žižňovský J.
Photometric variability of CP stars. [Full text] - Zverko J.
Spectrum variability of CP stars (Review). [Full text]
- Kudryavtsev D.O., Romanyuk I.I., Elkin V.G.
New magnetic CP stars. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Landstreet J.D., Hensberge H. et al.
A search for magnetic Ap stars in young open clusters using the ESO VLT. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Abécassis M., Aurière M. et al.
No weak magnetic field detected in the variable HgMn star α Andromedae. [Full text] - Aurière M., Silvester J., Wade G.A. et al.
A survey of Ap stars for weak longitudinal magnetic fields. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Smolkin S., Romanyuk I.I. et al.
Monitoring magnetic fields of sharp-lined Ap stars with the 6m telescope. [Full text]
- Khokhlova V.L.
An attempt to use the Stokes profiles I and V of the Hα line to determine the magnetic field configuration in three strongly magnetic CP stars. [Full text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Gerth E.
A quadrupole model of the magnetic field of β CrB. [Full text] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu.V.
On generating and derived magnitudes of stellar magnetic fields. [Full text] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu.V.
Phase curves and line profiles of stellar magnetic fields related to the Stokes parameters I, Q, U, V. [Full text] - Khan S.
The new code of spectrum synthesis in magnetic stellar atmospheres with stratification of abundances. [Full text] - Kaplan L.G.
On formation of magnetic field by vortical processes in stellar plasma. [Full text]
- Mikulášek Z., Zverko J., Romanyuk I.I. et al.
Spectroscopic study of the Am SB2 eclipsing binary HR 6611. [Full text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Leushin V.V., Kevlishvili A.G. et al.
Spectophotometry of the He-weak star HD 217833. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Smolkin S.
Detection of nonuniform surface chemical abundance distribution on β Coronae Borealis. [Full text] - Chountonov G.A.
Searching for the depression at 5200 Å in some HgMn stars. [Full text]
- Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. [Full text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Chemical composition and magnetic fields of Ap stars. [Full text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Averaged magnetic phase curves. A catalog. [Full text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Averaged magnetic phase curves. Analysis. [Full text]
- Yakunina G.V. Delone A.B., Porfir'eva G.A. et al.
Magnetic field and nonthermal velocities in different coronal formations on the Sun. [Full text] - Krtička J., Kubát J.
Multicomponent stellar winds of He chemically peculiar stars. [Full text] - Plachinda S.
General magnetic field on convective stars. [Full text] - Butkovskaya V., Plachinda S.
Study of magnetic fields of different luminosity hot stars. [Full text] - Kholtygin A., Brown J., Fabrika S. et al.
Magnetic field connected fast line profile variability in spectra of bright O supergiants. [Full text] - Należyty M., Madej J.
Mass distribution of massive magnetic white dwarf stars. [Full text] - Śliwiński M.S., Krzyczkovska L.I.
The movie about the magnetism in isolated white dwarfs. [Full text] - Somov N.N., Somova T.A., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M. et al.
Step-like variations in the optical spectrum of the magnetic cataclysmic variable EU UMa (RE1149+28). [Full text] - Somova T.A., Somov N.N., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M. et al.
Time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the eclipsing polar HU Aquarii (=RXJ2107-05). [Full text] - Chountonov G.A.
New equipment for measuring stellar magnetic fields at the 6m telescope. [Full text]
In memory of Vera L'vovna Khokhlova.[Full text]
Top - Landstreet J.D.
- [+] 2006. 28-31 August (Physics of Magnetic Stars)
List of participants
- Gnedin Yu.N.
Magnetic fields of stars and fundamental particle physics. [Full text] - Landstreet J.D., Andretta V., Bagnulo S. et al.
The magnetic fields of peculiar A and B stars in open clusters. [Full text] - Romanyuk I.I., Semenko E.A.
Magnetic CP stars in our Galaxy. [Full text] - Kochukhov O.P.
3-D mapping of magnetic fields, chemical abundances and pulsations in chemically peculiar stars. [Full text]
- Kudryavtsev D.O., Romanyuk I.I.
New stars with strong magnetic fields. [Full text] - Power J., Wade G. A., Hanes D. A. et al.
Properties of a volume-limited sample of magnetic Ap/Bp stars. [Full text] - Wade G.A., Romanyuk I.I., Kudryavtsev D.O. et al.
Monitoring magnetic fields of sharp-lined and slowly-rotating Ap stars with the 6m telescope. [Full text] - Kudryavtsev D.O., Romanyuk I.I., Semenko E.A. et al.
Rotation and kinematics for a sample of new magnetic stars. [Full text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Magnetization of stars vs. effective temperature. [Full text]
- Kochukhov O.P.
Spectrum synthesis for magnetic, chemically stratied stellar atmospheres. [Full text] - Lüftinger T., Kochukhov O.P., Ryabchikova T. et al.
The complex picture of HD 24712: First magnetic Doppler images of a roAp star. [Full text] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu.V.
The integral magnetic field of 53 Cam - an effect of ring-like element distribution? [Full text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Gerth E.
Model magnetic fields of CP stars with long rotation periods. [Full text] - Gerth E., Glagolevskij Yu.V.
Calculation of the integral magnetic field of a star accounting for the surface distribution of elements. [Full text] - Lebedev V.S., Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V. et al.
Oblique rotator with inhomogeneous and symmetrical surface distribution of chemical elements. [Full text]
- Wade G.A., Catala C., Alecian E. et al.
Magnetic fields in Herbig Ae/Be stars. [Full text] - Alecian E., Wade G.A., Catala C. et al.
Characterization of the magnetic fields of the Herbig Be stars HD 200775 and V380 0ri. [Full text] - Folsom C.P., Wade G.A., Hanes D.A. et al.
Investigating the pre-main sequence magnetic chemically peculiar system HD 72106. [Full text] - Pogodin M.A., Yudin R.V., Hubrig S. et al.
Measurements of multi-component magnetic fields in Herbig Ae/Be stars with FORS1 at 8m-VLT. [Full text] - Pogodin M.A., Yudin R.V., Hubrig S. et al.
First registration of CS magnetic fields in classical Be stars with FORS1 at 8m-VLT. [Full text] - Chuntonov G.A.
Magnetic field measurements for θ1 Ori C on the 6meter Telescope. [Full text] - Petit V., Wade G.A., Montmerle T. et al.
X-ray emission and the incidence of magnetic fields in the massive stars of the Orion Nebula Cluster. [Full text] - Skulsky M.Yu.
Magnetic fields and secondary rhythms in in the β Lyrae system. [Full text] - Butkovskaya V.V.
The classical β Cephei star γ Pegasi: study of pulsation, binarity and magnetic field. [Full text]
Magnetic field of the Sun, cool and post-main-sequence stars
- Afanasiev V.L., Borisov N.V., Gnedin Yu.N. et al.
Spectropolarimetric observations of magnetic white dwarfs at the 6m telescope BTA. [Full text] - Piotrovich M.Yu., Gnedin Yu.N., Larionov V.M.
Some peculiarities of spectropolarimetric observations of supernova stars. [Full text] - Kholtygin A.F., Chountonov G.A., Fabrika S.N. et al.
Line profile variability and the possible magnetic field in the spectra of supergiant ρ Leo. [Full text] - Tlatov A.G.
Influence of the variable magnetic field of the Sun on formation of the protoplanet disc. [Full text] - Kaplan L.G., Otkidychev P.A.
The magnetic field origin provided by vortex-inflowing processes in sunspots. [Full text] - Kaplan L.G., Otkidychev P.A.
The mechanism of magnetic field origin at vortical processes in stellar plasma. [Full text]
- Mikulášek Z., Janík J., Žižňovský J. et al.
On-line database of photometric observations of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. [Full text] - Mikulášek Z., Zverko J., Krtička J. et al.
The ZOO of uvby and Hp light curves of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. [Full text] - Krtička J., Mikulášek Z., Zverko J. et al.
The light variations of HD 37776 as a result of the uneven surface distribution of helium and silicon. [Full text] - Sachkov M., Ryabchikova T., Kochukhov O. et al.
Propagation of pulsation waves in roAp atmospheres. [Full text]
- Ryabchikova T., Kochukhov O., Bagnulo S.
Ca isotopic anomaly in the atmospheres of Ap stars. [Full text] - Khalack V., LeBlanc F., Wade G.A. et al.
Nitrogen and sulfur abundance stratication in HD 135485. [Full text] - Shavrina A., Polosukhina N., Khan S. et al.
Lithium and its isotopic ratio 6Li/7Li in the atmospheres of some sharp-lined roAp stars. [Full text] - Sokolov N.A.
Ultraviolet variability of the mCP star 56 Arietis. [Full text] - Monin D., LeBlanc F.
Abundance stratification in stellar atmospheres. [Full text] - Thiam M., Wade G. A., LeBlanc F. et al.
Abundances and chemical stratification in the atmosphere of the HgMn star HD 175640. [Full text]
- Gnedin Yu.N.
- [+] 2010. August 27 - September 1 (Magnetic Stars)
- Landstreet J.D., Bagnulo S., Andretta V., Silaj J., Fossati L., Wade G.A.
Evolution of the magnetic fields of magnetic AP stars during the main sequence phase [Full Text] - Wade G.A. and the MiMeS Collaboration
The MiMeS Project: Overview and Current Status [Full Text] - Romanyuk I.I.
First Magnetic Stars. New wine in an Old Bottle [Full Text] - Mikulasek Z., Krticka J., Janik J., Zverko J., Ziznovsky J., Zverina P., Zejda M.
Magnetic Chemically Peculiar Stars with Unsteady Periods [Full Text] - Gnedin Yu.N., Piotrovich M.Yu., Natsvlishvili T.M., Silantev N.A.
Theory of Polarized Radiation from Accretoion Disks: the Modern State of the Problem [Full Text] - Ryabchikova T., LeBlanc F., Shulyak D.
Modelling the Atmospheres of Peculiar Magnetic Stars [Full Text] - Sokoloff D.D,. Lanza A.F., Moss D.
Polar Branches of Activity Wave in HR 1099 and Stellar Dynamo Models [Full Text] - Stepien K.
A Different Look at Cool Contact Binaries [Full Text] - Kudryavtsev D.O., Romanyuk I.I.
Magnetic Field Measurements of CP Stars from Hydrogen Line Cores [Full Text] - Hubrig S., Scholler M., Ilyin I., Korhonen H., Gonzalez J.F., Cowley C.R., Savanov I., Arlt R.
Magnetic fields and Dynamical Evolution of Chemical Spots on the Surface on Hg-Mn stars [Full Text] - Grunhut J.H., Wade G.A., Rivnius T., Marcolino W.L.F., Townsend R. and the MiMeS Collaboration
Discovery of the Shortest Rotational Period, Non-Degenerate Magnetic Massive Star by the MiMeS Collaboration [Full Text] - Yakunin I.A., Chountonov G.A., Semenko E.A., Romanyuk I.I.
Linear Polarization of HD 37776 [Full Text] - Monin D., Bohlender D.
Spectropolarimetry with the DAO 1.8m Telescope [Full Text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Gerth E.
The magnetic field structure of CP stars [Full Text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Gerth E.
About the Dependence of the Rotation Velocity of CP Stars on the Magnetic Field [Full Text] - Hubrig S., Scholler M., Kharchenko M., Ilyin I., and the MAGORI collaboration
Magnetic OB-Type Stars in Open Clusters and in the Field [Full Text] - Hubrig S., Scholler M.,Ilyin I., Gonzalez J.F., Cowley C.R., Stelzer B., Cure M., Pogodin M., Yudin R.
Magnetic Fields of Herbig Ae/Be Stars [Full Text] - Hubrig S., Ilyin I., Scholler M., Morel T., Briquet M., de Cat P.
Magnetic Fields of Hot Pulsating Stars [Full Text] - Hubrig S., Mikulasek Z., Gonzalez J.F., Scholler M., Ilyin I., Cure M., Zejda M., Cowley C.R., Elkin V.G., Pogodin M.A., Yudin R.V.
The Exceptional Herbig Ae Star HD 101412 [Full Text] - Balega Y.Y., Leushin V.V., Weigelt G.
Magnetic braking of the main component of theta^1 Ori C [Full Text] - Karitskaya E.A., Bochkarev N.G., Hubrig S., Gnedin Yu.N., Pogodin M.A., Yudin R.V., Agafonov M.I., Sharova O.I.
Magnetic Field in X-ray Binary Cygnus X-1 [Full Text] - Bochkarev N.G., Karitskaya E.A.
Some Precautions to Measurements of Weak Magnetic Fields Based on Statistical Processing of Zeeman Features [Full Text] - Fourtune-Ravard C., Wade G.A., Marcollino W., Shultz M., Grunhut J., Henrichs H, the MiMeS collaboration
Constant Magnetic Field of ksi^1 CMA: Geometry or Slow Rotation? [Full Text] - Hiriart D., Valyavin G., Plachinda S., Ramirez J., Valdez J., Quiroz F., Martinez B.
A Low-Resolution Spectropolarimeter for Zeeman Measurements of Stellar Magnetic Fields [Full Text] - Shultz M., Wade G.A., Neiner C., Manset M., Petit V., Grunhut J., Guinan E., Hanes D., and the MiMeS collaboration
Searching for Complex, Weak or Tangled Magnetic Fields in the Blue Supergiant Rigel [Full Text] - Dodin A.V., Chountonov G.A., Lamzin S.A.
Magnetic Field of Young Star RW Aur [Full Text] - Kholtygin A.F., Drake N.A., Fabrika S.N.
Statistics and Evolution of Stellar Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Fluxes [Full Text] - Petit V., Massa D.L., Marcolino W.L.F., Wade G.A., Ignace R., the MiMES Collaboration
tau Sco: The Discovery of the Clones [Full Text] - Skulsky M.Yu., Kos E.S.
About Dynamics of Circumstellar Gaseous Structures and Magnetic Field of beta Lyrae [Full Text] - Piotrovich M.Yu., Gnedin Yu. N., Natsvlishvili T.M., Buliga S.D.
Magnetic Fields of Stars with Strong Outflows: Testing by Polarimetry [Full Text] - Shulyak D., Reiners A., Wende S., Kochukhov O., Piskunov N., Seifahrt A.
Magnetic Fields of M-Dwarfs from the Molecular and Atomic Diagnostics [Full Text] - Grunhut J.H., Wade G.A., Hanes D.A., Alecian E.
Systematic Detection of Magnetic Fields in Descendants of Massive OB Stars [Full Text] - Valyavin G.G., Wade G.A., Bagnulo S., Antonyuk K., Plachinda S., Clark D.M., Fox Machado L., Alvares M., Lopes J.M., Hiriart D., Han I., Jeon Y.-B., Zharikov S.V., Zurita C., Shulyak D., Burlakova T.
First Observation Evidence for the Presence of Active, Localized Magnetic Structures in White Dwarfs [Full Text] - Kholtygin A.F., Igoshev A.P., Fabrika S.N.
Statistics of Magnetic Fluxes of Massive Stars and the Enigma of Origin of Neutron Stars Magnetic Fields [Full Text] - Mashonkina L.I.
Non-LTE Line Formation for GeI and FeII in the Atmospheres of A-F Type Stars [Full Text] - Boyko S., Ryabchikova T.
Accuracy of Laboratory Oscillator Strength of TiII Lines as Checked using High-Quality Stellar Spectra [Full Text] - Joshi S., Joshi Y.C., Ezhkova O.V., Sachkov M., Ryabchikova T., Kochukhov O., Chakradhari N.K., Tiwari S.K.
Time-Resolved Photoelectric, Photometric and Hig-Resolution Spectroscopic Data Analysis of a Luminous Ap Star HD 103498 [Full Text] - Sachkov M., Hareter M., Ryabchikova T., Wade G.A., Kochukhov O., Weiss W.W.
Study of Pulsations in the Atmosphere of roAp STA HD 137949 [Full Text] - Kholtygin A.F., Chountonov G.A., Dushin V.V.
Line Profile Variability and a Possible Magnetic Field in the Spectra of Supergiant ksi Ori Aa [Full Text] - Nunes N.E., Gonzales J.F., Hubrig S.
Search for Spectral Variability in 28 HgMn Stars [Full Text] - Pogodin M.A., Drake N.A., Jilinski E.G., Ortega V.G., de la Reza R.
Spectral Variability of the Be Star HD 152478: Evidence for Magnetized Wind? [Full Text] - Polosukhina N., Shavrina A., Drake N., Kudryavtsev D., Smirnova M.
New Results of the Spectral Observations of CP Stars in the LiI 6708 A Spectral Region with the 6-m BTA Telescope of SAO RAS [Full Text] - Polosukhina N., Shavrina A., Lyashko D., Neswacil N., Kudryavtsev D., Smirnova M.
Lithium and Isotopic Ratio 6Li/7Li in Magnetic roAp Stars as an Indicator of Active Processes [Full Text] - Sokolov N.A.
Spectropolarimetric Variability of the Magnetic CP Star alpha^2 CVn [Full Text] - Sokolov N.A.
Variation of Intensity of the Flux in the Large Feature and Spectral Lines in the Ultraviolet of alpha^2 CVn [Full Text] - Zverko J., Ziznovsky J., Iliev I., Barzova I., Romanyuk I., Kudryavtsev D., Semenko E.
Stars with Discrepant vsini as Derived from the Ca II 3933 and Mg II 4481 A Lines [Full Text] - Han I., Burlakova T., Valyavin G., Kim H.S., Galazutdinov G., Zharikov S.V., Lee B.-C., Kin K,-M., Kholtygin A., Shulyak D., Chaves M., Bertone E.
High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Star Feige 34 [Full Text] - Semenko E.A., Rastegaev D.A., Dyachenko V.V., Kuchaeva E.Yu., Malogolovets E.V., Yakunin I.A.
Binaries Among Magnetic CP Stars: Some Observational Results [Full Text] - Scholler M., Correia S., Hubrig S., Ageorges N.
Multiplicity of late-type B Stars with HgMn Peculiarity [Full Text] - Mikulasek Z., Ziznovsky J., Zejda M., Zverko J., Hubrig S., Krticka J., Dubovsky P.A., Gaseas K., Zola S., Ogloza W., Albayrak B., Chrastina M., Graf T., Janik J., Kudzej I.
The Triple Star AR AUr [Full Text] - Korhonen H., Hubrig S., Briquet M., Gonzalez J.F., Savanov I.
Dynamical Spot Evolution on HD 11753 [Full Text] - Tsiopa O.A., Karinov M.A., Finkelstein A.M., Ipatov A.V., Lavrov A.S.
The Prekursor of GRB 080319B [Full Text] - Cherny O.A.
On Magnetic Field Generation Mechanisms in Astrophysics [Full Text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Magnetism of Stars [Full Text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J.
Variability of Magnetic Field of Stars [Full Text] - Bychkov V.D., Bychkova L.V., Madej J., Shatilov A.V.
Magnetic Variability of the Ap star HD9996 [Full Text] - Chountonov G.A.
Observations of fast rotating Magnetic He-rich Star HD 182180 at the 6-meter Telescope [Full Text] - Cowley C.R., Hubrig S., Gonzales J.F., Savanov I.
The Herbig Ae HD 101412. An abundance study [Full Text] - Cowley C.R., Hubrig S., Gonzales J.F.
Is a Centauri the Hottest Star with Lanthanides in Its Spectrum? [Full Text] - Glagolevskij Yu.V., Chountonov G.A., Shavrina A.V.
HD 182255 is propably Magnetic Variable He-w star [Full Text] - Grunhut J.H., Wade G.A., Marcollino W.L.F., Petit V., Henrich H.F. and the MiMeS Collaboration
Analysis of Magnetic Field Geometry and Its Interaction with Circumstellar Environment of HD 57682 by the MiMeS Collaboration [Full Text] - Janik J., Mikulasek Z., Szazs G., Zejda M., Zverina P., Zverko J., Ziznovsky J.
mCPod - Three Years Later [Full Text] - Zverina P., Mikulasek Z.
Data Recognizion and Virtual JD [Full Text] - Landstreet J.D.
Some Final Remarks [Full Text]

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