УДК 527.642:523.15; 52(085).5
В.Е. Панчук, С.В. Ермаков, В.Г. Клочкова
Специальная Астрофизическая Обсерватория РАН
Investigation of halo stars.
I. Atlas of spectra in the range
V.E.Panchuk, S.V.Ermakov, V.G.Klochkova
Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS
10mm 10mm Abstract.
An introduction to the problem of spectroscopic investigations of halo
stars is given. A requirements to spectroscopic data suitable for studying
the abundances of chemical elements in the atmospheres of the oldest
objects of the Galaxy are formulated. A method is described for observations
and reduction of spectral material. Characteristic properties of the method
of producing an atlas of spectra and line identifications are noted. An
atlas of spectra in the range 3500-5000 with the spectral resolution
R=60000 is presented for four objects in the interval of metallicities
, temperatures
. Parameters of model atmospheres and
abundances of 29 chemical elements and their ions are determined. The
abundance determination errors for different chemical elements are