Vortex project
- 1. Contopulos G. Periodic orbits near the particle resonance in
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- 2. Nezlin M. V., Polyachenko V. L., Snezhkin E. N., Trubnikov A. S., Fridman
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- 3. Nezlin M.,Rulov A., Snezhkin E. N., Trubnikov A. S., , Self-organizaion
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Sov.Phys.JETP, 1987, v.65(1), pp.1-4.
- 4. Baev B.P., Makov Yu.N., Fridman A.M. Formation of spiral-vortex
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1987, v.13(6), p.405
- 5. Afanasiev V. L., Dodonov S.N., Sumin A. A. Fridman A. M. Discovery
of Giant Anticyclones in Mrk 1040 as Confirmation of Hydrodynamic Theory of Spiral Arms
Generation, Astronomiceskij Tsirculyar 1991, N 1551. pp.3-4.
- 6. Afanasiev V. L., Fridman A. M., Vortex structure in the gaseous disk
of the galaxy Mrk 1040, Pis'ma v Astronomiceskij Zhurnal 1993, V. 19, pp.787-797.
- 7. Nezlin M., Snezhkin E. N., , Rossby Vortices, Spiral Structures,
Solitons, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1993
- 8. Afanasiev V. L. , Vortex structure in the gaseous disk of the galaxy
Mrk 1040, In Proc. "Physics of the Gaseous and Stellar Disks of the Galaxy",
SAO, 22-25 September 1993, Russia, ed. I.R.King, ASP Conference Series, 66, pp. 153-160,
- 9. Nezlin M.V. , Modeling of the Generation of Spiral Structure by
Laboratory Experiments in Rotating Shallow Water, and Prediction of Interarm Anticyclones
in Galaxies, In Proc. "Physics of the Gaseous and Stellar Disks of the
Galaxy", SAO, 22-25 September 1993, Russia, ed. I.R.King, ASP Conference Series, 66,
pp. 135-151, 1994.
- 10. Fridman A.M. , Dynamics of Disks in the Milky Way: Some Solved
Problems and Some Puzzle, In Proc. "Physics of the Gaseous and Stellar Disks of
the Galaxy", SAO, 22-25 September 1993, Russia, ed. I.R.King, ASP Conference Series,
66, pp. 15-28, 1994.
- 11. A.M. Fridman, O.V. Khoruzhii, V.V. Lyakhovich, V.S.Avedisova, Are There Giant Vortices in Solar Vicinity?, In
Proc. of IAU Symp. 169 "Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way", eds. L.Blitz and
P.Teuben, 1996, pp. 597-603.
- 12. V.V.Lyakhovich, A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, Observational Determination of the Nature of Galactic
Spiral Arms, Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 1996, v.73, N1, pp.24-35.
- 13. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, V.V.Lyakhovich, V.L.Polyachenko, V.S.Avedisova
(INASAN) O.K.Silchenko, A.V.Zasov (SAI), M.V.Nezlin, E.I.Snejkin, A.S. Trubnikov (RNC
Kurchatov Institute), V.L. Anafanasiev, S.N. Dodonov (SAO RAS), J.Boulesteix (Observatoire
de Marseille), Prediction
and discovery of new structures in spiral galaxies: giant anticyclones, Booklet
"Institute of Astronomy RAS", Moscow, 1996, pp.22-24.
- 14. Lyakhovich V.V., Fridman A.M., Khoruzhii O.V., Pavlov A.I., A method of the reconstruction of 3D velocity field of
gas in disks of spiral galaxies, Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 1997, v.74, pp.509-535
- 15. V.V.Lyakhovich, Brief
description of the reconstruction method of vector velocity field in gaseous disks of
spiral galaxies, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 1997 (in press).
- 16. England M.N., Hunter J.H., Gaseous Vortices in Barred Spiral
Galaxies, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v.773, pp.320-328
- 17. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, V.V.Lyakhovich, V.S.Avedisova, O.K.Silchenko,
A.V.Zasov, A.S.Rustorguev, V.L. Anafanasiev, S.N. Dodonov, J.Boulesteix, Spiral-vortex structure in gaseous disks of galaxies,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 1997,v.252, p.115
- 18. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, V.V.Lyakhovich,
V.S.Avedisova,O.K. Sil'chenko,
A.V.Zasov, A.S.Rustorguev, V.L. Anafanasiev, S.N. Dodonov,
J.Boulesteix Discovery of new structures - giant anticyclones - in
disk of spiral galaxies. Paper presented at the 21-st Internetional
Conference of the Unity of the Sciences, Washington, 1997
- 19. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, A.V. Zasov,
O.K. Sil'chenko, A.V.Moiseev, A.N.Burlak, V.L.Afanas'ev, S.N.Dodonov and
J.Knapen Vertical motions in the gaseous disk of the spiral galaxy
NGC 3631"
1998,Astronomy Letters,v.24,p.764
- 20. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, V.V.Lyakhovich,
O.K. Sil'chenko, A.V.Zasov, V.L. Anafanasiev, S.N. Dodonov,
The discovery of new structures - gaseous anticyclones - in
spiral galaxies. I. Evidences of wave nature of spiral structure of NGC 157.
To be published in MN RAS
- 21. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii, V.V.Lyakhovich,
O.K. Sil'chenko, A.V.Zasov, V.L. Anafanasiev, S.N. Dodonov,
The discovery of new structures - gaseous anticyclones - in
spiral galaxies. I. The restoration of the vector velocity field of gas in
NGC 157,
To be published in MN RAS
- 22. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii Velocity Fields in Spiral
Galaxies,1999, IAU Symposium 194, "Activity in Galaxies and Related
Phenomena",Aug. 1998, in Yerevan, Armenia. p.269
- 23. A.M.Fridman, O.V.Khoruzhii Vortices in
Astrophysical Discs, 199, in "Astrophysical Discs" - An EC Summer School,
ASP Conference series v.160, p. 341.
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