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Save current position



These macros save/load the current cursor position in a bookmark file. Current position of file XXXX is stored in file $HOME/.nedit-XXXX.

Save current position

cpos = $cursor
tmpstr = shell_command("echo $HOME", "")
$HOME = substring(tmpstr, 0, length(tmpstr) - 1)
fname = $HOME"/.nedit-" $file_name
if (write_file(cpos, fname) == 0)
   dialog("Can't save bookmark!", "OK")
Load formerly saved position
cpos = $cursor
tmpstr = shell_command("echo $HOME", "")
$HOME = substring(tmpstr, 0, length(tmpstr) - 1)
fname = $HOME"/.nedit-" $file_name
if ($read_status == 0)
   dialog("Can't load bookmark!", "OK")
else set_cursor_pos(cpos)
Delete bookmark file
tmpstr = shell_command("echo $HOME", "")
$HOME = substring(tmpstr, 0, length(tmpstr) - 1)
fname = $HOME"/.nedit-" $file_name
cmdreturn=shell_command("rm " fname, "")
dialog(cmdreturn, "OK")

. Released on  Wed, 21 Nov 2001  by C. Denat  

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