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According to the interferometric observations at 6-m telescope with
the panoramic infrared detector NICMOS-3, for the first time in the
world the angular diameters of the mirid stars R Cas and R Leo were
measured at the wavelengths between 1045nm and 2170nm. We also yielded
the first images of the infrared sources Red Quadrilateral and
IRC+10216 at wavelengths of 2170nm, 2120nm and 2150nm with a spatial
resolution of 0.07". The uniqueness of the results obtained is determined
by the size of the primary mirror of the BTA, which, in combination
with the interferometric methods of observations, allows reaching a
record-high resolution at this range of wavelengths.
(Jointly with the Max Planck Institute, Germany).
A study of fluctuations of the galactic gas emission at high latitudes within the "Cold" survey band with high sensitivity was made with the RATAN-600 radio telescope. The index of the spatial frequency spectrum through most of the area is 0.8+/-0.3, which is about twice lower than the conventionally adopted value. We also found out that at the highest latitudes the spectrum gets flatter. The multi-frequency maps of the Milky Way were obtained with record-high sensitivity in the radio range on the area of 400 square degrees. A lot of new formations in the continuous radio spectrum were detected.
The observations at the 6-m telescope with the panoramic MAMA detector
for the first time discovered the periodic variations of the optical
brightness in the pulsar PSR 0656+14. This is the fourth object of
700 radio pulsars with a variable radiation in all ranges of electromagnetic
waves. The pulsating component in the B-band makes up for about 70% of
the total luminosity and coincides in phase with radiation in the gamma
range. From these results it implies that the radiation flux is formed
by the thermal radiation across the surface of the neutron star and hot
spots at its poles, as well as the non-thermal source in the pulsar's
(Jointly with the Holloway University, Ireland.)
The BVRI CCD photometry of the pulsar PSR 0656 +14 was performed at the
BTA. We identified a star-like object from the location of the VLA radio
source. The fluxes in the R and I-bands were first estimated, which allows
(taking into account the UV observations with the HST) to speak
confidently about the predominantly non-thermal nature of radiation
in the UV-optical spectral region up to around 8000A. In the optics
the spectrum can be represented as the sum of the thermal spectrum of
the atmosphere (surface) of the neutron star and the nonthermal
component (a power-law spectrum with a slope of about -0.85).
(Jointly with Astro Space Center and the University of Payne, USA.)
Based on the long time series observations on the 6-m telescope, for the first time the existence of supercritical accretion disks was proven. We investigated such a disk in the system SS433 and discovered its structure. The distributions of velocity and temperature of the gas ejected from the disk were obtained. The discovered structure of the disc is in remarkable agreement with the prediction of the theory (Shakura and Sunyaev, 1973).